That is something that one frequently has to comprehend.
Be it from family, peers, teachers and what not.
Being the cream of the crop in the academic field.
Being able to lead among peers when it is in one's capacity to do so.
Being able to complete assignments on time.
Being able to guide siblings.
But the question is,
Can we actually live up to it?
Are we able to fulfill them even though it goes against some of our principles in life?
And what if we're able to fulfill all but one?
How does that bring an impact towards the other party which we have failed?
Are we fulfilling his or her expectations?
Are we killing ourselves slowly on the inside knowing that we have failed him or her?
Or is it making us stronger?
And what about assurances that it was all worth it?
We MAY NOT live up to ALL our expectations.
The bottom line is, that we have tried our best.
And it is failure,
That keeps on pushing us.
To soar.
Soar to greater heights.
Knowing that,
There is ALWAYS someone there to guide us.
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